Many people don’t realize that professional sports is form of live entertainment. These athletes get paid millions of dollars because on a nightly basis they perform a brand of entertainment for people to see live in an arena, stadium, on television, or on radio broadcast. On the flip side, people spend their hard earned money to watch and support professional athletes. In hopes of being a witness to spectacular plays, freeing themselves from the stresses of life, or simply to enjoy the moments they have bonding with family and friends during a game. So when your local team isn’t producing enough wins, you definitely feel that sorrow that comes with supporting someone that hasn’t achieved anything.
The Charlotte Bobcats have made history in the NBA for having the worst winning percentage ever. 23 straight loses to close out he season. Fingers can point to many factors to why this team lost so many games such as the shorten season, limited practice time, abundance of injuries, and young talent. The ironic part about this is that their owner, Michael Jordan was part of the team that has the best ever winning percentage of all time with the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls.
For the past five years I have been wondering why it has been difficult for this team to recruit extremely talented free agents. The positives for the area stand out. A growing metro area, medium size market, neighboring NFL team (Carolina Panthers), warm weather, Hall of Fame owner, transplant city from other areas around the world. As a season ticket holder, I definitely felt disappointed by the results that came about almost every game this year. It was quite often when friends would ask me about my plans for the evening and my reply would be to check out the Bobcats game and the sound of laughter would follow as a counter response from them. I looked at this season as a potentially good investment gone badly….the good thing about knowing that you have a horrible team this year is that the cliché come into effect; “There’s always next year”…so hopefully after successfully picking up a good draft pick in this year’s lottery, the future can look bright for this organization. Throughout it all, I enjoyed the season and I was entertained.
I want to give a personal shout out to all those who supported the Bobcats this year through thin and thinner…lol….also to those I caught up with at games and spend watching them with me.
Special Thanks:
Darcel C. (We’ll be back in there next year. I’m glad to have you on my team)
NaTasha M. (Bobcats did give the Heat a run for their money that game)
Raj S. (We witness history watching Deron Williams go for 57 points, 21/21 at the free throw line)
Summer H. (It was a pleasure watching the two worst teams in the league play a close game)
While not the investment we hoped it to be, still a great time, some good plays (most by the other team)and we still witnessed history the worst season ever. No complaints this way. Hey theres always next year…or maybe even the next after that. Sometimes you have to hit bottom to rise to the top. So all the trades to make room for the salary caps will hopefully pay off. Remember it was just 2 sesaons ago that we were a playoff team
Yes, I’m totally agree. There’s no way to go but up for them!