It evokes emotion; depending on the message and the messenger it even births cult like followings who copy trends and mimic behaviors. Hip-Hop like its big brother “The Blues” has almost always in some fashion been shunned upon and even deemed “devil music” from BB King to Jay-Z. Over time, hip-hop has become highly revered yet still frowned upon and blamed for ALL of the world’s urban woe’s. Along with hip-hop comes a plethora of stigma’s and persona’s.
What happens when pop-stars take on a hip-hop persona? Well let us turn our attention to 3 such pop stars.

#3 Lady Gaga
Not quite as hip-hop as she is pop; Lady Gaga has been emerging more and more into the realm of Hip-Hop. Her latest single “Do What You Want” features R. Kelly and Lady Gaga even explained on the red carpet of the American Music Awards that she has been listening to Chief Keef a lot lately. No one in their right mind could possibly be interested in the music of Chief Keek, especially a multi-platinum artist like Lady Gaga or so one would think. Sound familiar? Of, course it does; it seems these days all of the things we want to forget in hip-hop, a pop star comes along and praises. Before she began all of the twerking idiocrasy; Miley Cyrus told us all that she had an infatuation with twering and behold the pale horse she has been twerking all over America. Which brings us to #2.

#2 Miley Cyrus
If I could interview Miley Cyrus I would only ask her one question: What POSSESSED you to become infatuated with twerking, making videos and twerking while performing in front of millions? Only a possessed person would become one with such a thing; wrong answer Miley is making this classic form of dance ever popular. At one time twerking was shunned upon and activist were boycotting Luther Campbell a.k.a Uncle Luke and 2 Live Crew. I guess because it’s now being showcased by a pop-star its okay? Miley has even changed up her crew, she now hangs out with Juicy J, Mike Will Made It and the likes which brings us to our #1.

#1 Justin Beiber
Justine Beiber once a wholesome young talent is slowly becoming an uncivil little wretch. Beiber who burst onto the pop/r&b scene like a ray of sunshine has been in entertainment news along with his hip-hop like crew more than Gucci Mane and just as much as Chief Keef. But for some reason it’s talked about then and a blind eye is turned to it. Rather than Justin receiving any blame it s often pushed off as his hip-hop friends who are creating the havoc while Justin is this innocent little darling. Highly doubt it.
Its looking like a new genre is taking form. Hip Pop! It’s like the art of taking on a persona and multiplying it by stupidity.
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